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19 Авг

Share your Photos from Everywere Избранное

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Share your Photos with your Friends Share your Photos with your Friends
It uploads to your blogs and immediately creates a new post. My preference would be to upload the photo as a draft post to my blogs. I would also like to select which of my pipes the photo will go to – in other words, I might not want to upload the same photos to your website.
However, I can certainly see, for now, setting up a couple different Photo Share accounts. One that uploads to Flickr and Facebook, for example, and another that uploads to my technology blogs.

Photo Share currently supports 33 different photo and video sharing sites. You can upload via a custom email address, directly through Photo Share, or use one of their desktop-based tools. These include Mac (including an iPhoto plug-in), Windows, and Linux tools. I downloaded the full Mac application and found it easy to use. In fact, if you’ve ever used the Flickr uploading tool, you’ll find this one remarkably familiar. An iPhone app and a Firefox plug-in are forthcoming.

Photo Share is a free service that solves a problem most of us now have – how to share our photos with everyone we know. Phasellus erat sapien, malesuada nec imperdiet id, tempus at neque. Maecenas vel est at lectus luctus lacinia. Aliquam eu lacus in neque commodo convallis eu et lectus. Ut eget nibh arcu. Praesent malesuada ante at dui vulputate ultrices. Donec dignissim libero ac lorem accumsan eu lobortis lacus lobortis. Sed magna eros, lobortis ac semper sit amet, tincidunt at nibh. Duis vel lectus nisl.

Nulla at est quis leo placerat iaculis. Integer massa augue, pellentesque eu facilisis nec, auctor et turpis. Vivamus congue blandit nisl nec auctor. Proin rutrum magna iaculis arcu malesuada a suscipit nisl tincidunt. Etiam id quam semper diam dapibus pretium ac vel arcu. Cras ornare, eros consectetur gravida pharetra, nisi enim luctus eros, blandit accumsan tortor ligula non tortor. Cras placerat, velit vitae laoreet faucibus, odio augue rutrum nisl, non vestibulum dui dui sed diam. Pellentesque urna dolor, vehicula ac sollicitudin eu, varius ac lectus. Integer quis ipsum enim, ut volutpat sem. Praesent ipsum nibh, hendrerit a facilisis quis, porta ac augue. Nullam nulla turpis, tempor id imperdiet quis, pretium nec urna.

Sed ultrices, eros id facilisis convallis, ante sapien ultricies ligula, nec fringilla mauris lacus ultrices lorem. Nam egestas, mauris id pharetra pulvinar, nisi enim fringilla libero, a vulputate tortor arcu et risus. Maecenas lectus turpis, iaculis id aliquam et, rhoncus vel dui. Duis vel diam metus, in tempor augue. Pellentesque vestibulum aliquet neque a porttitor. Suspendisse condimentum, urna et pharetra mollis, elit tortor blandit neque, quis scelerisque enim ante id ligula. Nunc vel mattis enim. Nullam vitae ipsum nisi, et pharetra nisi.
Super User

Hi my name is Stan Verik and I have been the Marketing Director of Photo Share Inc. We believe it's a superb product, that innovates the way media is share in the internet.

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