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19 Авг

Know everything about Apple iPad 2

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Did Apple really deliver the next big thing for tablets with its iPad 2 announcement, or did the company simply trot out a moderate upgrade to keep pace with the other guys? iPad 2While specs don't necessarily tell all, they can be great indicators of a device's progress as it jumps from one generation to the next.
A comparison of the iPad 2's specs to the original iPad shows whether Apple's new model truly evolved, and if it deserves to be lauded as the greatest thing to happen to tablets since, well, the first iPad.

The iPad 2 is faster with its dual-core A5 processor, thinner, lighter, and has the power of sight, sporting both front- and rear-facing cameras. It will also play nice with a new line of iPad 2 cases Apple revealed at the unveiling.

But the display hasn't changed, Apple's been mum on any possible improvement to RAM, there's no improved connectivity in terms of HDMI port or USB, no SD card slot, no out-of-left-field technical advancement that drops jaws and makes the competitions' knees quiver. And the same iOS 4.3 that will ship with the iPad 2 is coming to the original iPad as well.

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